Inventario Español de Zonas Húmedas
El Servicio Web de Mapas denominado Inventario Español de Zonas Húmedas (IEZH) permite la visualización y consulta del conjunto de datos del Inventario Español de Zonas Húmedas... -
Urbanisation and tourism in the Campo Cartagena-Mar Menor area (Murcia, Spain...
The building boom (1998-2007) that took place along the Mediterranean coast of Spain, where the Region of Murcia is situated, produced an enormous increase in the extent and... -
Storage of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil–plant system o...
In this study we quantified the different forms of nitrogen, organic carbon and phosphorus in two eutrophicated watercourses flowing into a coastal salt marsh of the Mar Menor... -
Efficient irrigation management can contribute to reduce soil CO2 emissions i...
Irrigation water restrictions in the Mediterranean area have created a growing interest in water conservation. Apart from environmental and economic benefits by water savings,... -
Phytomanagement of strongly acidic, saline eutrophic wetlands polluted by min...
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of combining liming and vegetation for the phyto management of strongly acidic, saline eutrophic wetlands polluted by mine... -
Estudio de paisajes resilientes al cambio climático en el Mar Menor: del ries...
Vivimos en una época donde la naturaleza no existe como una entidad única separada del ser humano, y los efectos del calentamiento global nos muestran la importancia de conocer... -
Nitrate removal from eutrophic wetlands polluted by metal-mine wastes: Effect...
Wetlands are highly effective systems in removing large amounts of N from waters, preventing eutro phication processes. However, when wetlands are polluted by metal-mine wastes... -
When liming and revegetation contribute to the mobilisation of metals: Learni...
The aim of this study was to identify the effectiveness of liming in combination with vegetation for the recovery of slightly acidic, saline soils of eutrophic wetlands affected... -
Humedales y Turberas para la BCAM2
En el nuevo marco de la PAC 2023-2027 se abordan las prácticas beneficiosas para el medio ambiente, entre las que se incluye la protección de los humedales y turberas en el... -
Atlas de los Paisajes en España
Contiene información de los distintos paisajes españoles y muestra la notable diversidad de estos, formados sobre bases ecológicas y culturales estrechamente relacionadas; las... -
Evolution and phosphorus fractionation in saline Spolic Technosols flooded wi...
Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the behaviour of P in saline Spolic Technosols flooded with eutrophic water, with and without plant rhizosphere, in order to assess... -
Role of rhizosphere and soil properties for the phytomanagement of a salt mar...
The goal of this study was to evaluate the soil properties and their modifications within the rhizosphere of spontaneous vegetation as key factors to assess the phy tomanagement... -
Rhizosphere and flooding regime as key factors for the mobilisation of arseni...
The occurrence of mining areas in the vicinities of salt marshes may affect their ecological functions and facilitate the transfer of pollutants into the food chain. The... -
The combined use of liming and Sarcocornia fruticosa development for phytoman...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the combined effects of liming and behaviour of Sarcocornia fruticosa as a strategy of phytomanagement of metal polluted salt marsh soils.... -
Rangos de Hábitat Artículo 17 (período 2013-2018)
El Servicio WMS (Web Map Service) denominado "Rangos de Hábitat Artículo 17 (período 2013-2018)" permite la visualización y consulta del conjunto de datos que representan los... -
Phosphorus fractionation and distribution in salt marsh soils affected by min...
The study aimed to establish the distribution and fate of phosphorus in the soils of a coastal salt marsh affected by mine wastes and wastewater effluents. Water samples from... -
Fan-surface dynamics and biogenic calcrete development: Interactions during u...
Pleistocene alluvial fan surfaces of the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor Basin (Murcia, SE Spain) are capped by thick mature calcretes. Calcrete profiles consist mainly of six... -
Expansión urbana y turismo en la Comarca del Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor (Mu...
En las últimas décadas, la comarca estudiada ha experimentado una expansión urbana sin precedentes motivada por el turismo residencial. Esto ha supuesto un notable impacto... -
Sellado de Suelos en la Comarca del Mar Menor (Murcia). Consecuencias Medioam...
El sellado del suelo constituye uno de los principales procesos de degradación de los suelos, reconocido así en la Directiva Europea para la Protección del Suelo de 2002. El... -
Influence of groundwater sampling protocols on nitrate data in official surve...
Este estudio pone de manifiesto las preocupaciones relativas a la fiabilidad de los datos sobre nitratos de aguas subterráneas compartidos con la UE en virtud de la Directiva...