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Controlled lists

Having structured, standardized and agreed controlled lists ( pattern list ) is a basic need for the correct functioning of the Integrated Information System for the Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity by achieving, through their use, that the same element is designated as the same way by all the organizations involved in its management. The most relevant master lists are those of wild species and habitats.

Pattern lists

Through the Resolution of February 17, 2017 , of the Secretary of State for the Environment, three master lists were published: that of terrestrial species , that of marine species and that of terrestrial habitats present in Spain.
As indicated in said resolution, the official review and update of the lists is carried out every two years, coordinated by MITECO through the Committee of the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity.

Pattern list of wild species present in Spain

Through the Resolution of December 3, 2020 , of the Secretary of State for the Environment, the lists of species were reviewed and updated in such a way that both marine and terrestrial taxa were grouped into a single list, expanding further the scope of the list by including the taxonomic groups of fungi, bryophytes and invertebrates.

On May 18, 2021, a new corrected version is uploaded after the SEM (Spanish Society of Malacology) detected some taxa incorporated incorrectly. With its correction proposal, a corrected version of the group of mollusks has been prepared that is now included in the current standard list. For its preparation, MITECO has had the invaluable collaboration of the following scientific societies.

Amphibians and Reptiles Spanish Herpetological Association (AHE)
Birds Spanish Society of Ornithology (SEO-BirdLife)
Bryophytes Spanish Society of Briology (SEB)
Marine Species Group of experts coordinated by MITECO (CSIC, IEO, Universities, CCAA)
Vascular flora Royal Botanical Garden (CSIC) - Spanish Society of Plant Conservation Biology (SEBICOP)
Fungus Royal Botanical Garden (CSIC)
Invertebrates Various (MNCN-CSIC, Zerynthia, Universities, Associations, etc.)
Mammals (except bats) Spanish Society for the Conservation and Study of Mammals (SECEM)
Mollusks Spanish Society of Malacology (SEM)
Bats Spanish Association for the Conservation and Study of Bats (SECEMU)

Current Pattern List:

Standard list of terrestrial habitats present in Spain

During 2015 and 2016, the Habitat and Bioregions Technical Working Group attached to the Committee of the Spanish Inventory of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, has prepared the Spanish Standard List of Terrestrial Habitats to comply with the technical specifications emanating from the INSPIRE Directive.

This list has been made with the participation of technicians and scientific experts designated by the different autonomous communities using regional work as a basis to, firstly, know which and how many habitats occur in Spain and, secondly, homogenize their nomenclatures. and establish correspondences with the main classifications at European level, especially with the EUNIS classification and with that of the Habitat and Birds Directives, which are required by the aforementioned INSPIRE specifications.

Master list of marine habitats present in Spain

The Spanish Inventory of Marine Habitats (IEHM) has as its starting point the development of its first two elements, which are: a standard list of the types of marine habitats present in Spain and a hierarchical classification. All of this is included in the Resolution of March 22, 2013 , of the General Directorate of Sustainability of the Coast and the Sea.

This content of the Spanish Inventory of Marine Habitats has been prepared thanks to the advice of a working group made up of national scientific experts from different fields.

Controlled list of Protected Spaces in Spain

Coded controlled list of Spanish protected areas

List of invasive exotic species

List of species included in Royal Decree 630/2013 , of August 2, which regulates the Spanish Catalog of Invasive Exotic Species .

marca de gota  Enlaces de interés 

Sistema de Información europeo de Naturaleza (EUNIS)

Codificación europea de hábitat y especies   Base de datos EUNIS

Directiva INSPIRE

Para más información consulte la web de la Comisión Europea aquí.