Indicador 47: Planes de control de especies exóticas invasoras
Este indicador tiene como objetivo principal conocer el número de estrategias de gestión, control y posible erradicación de especies exóticas invasoras incluidas en el Catálogo... -
Invertebrados marinos alóctonos en el Mar Menor // Alloctonous Marine Inverte...
La configuración actual del Mar Menor es consecuencia de sucesivos procesos geomorfológicos, resultado de la dinámica natural. Sin embargo, a partir del S. XVIII, es la... -
Genetic signature of a recent invasion: The ragged sea hare Bursatella leachi...
In the last years, bioinvasions are increasing their ecological and economic impacts on different habitats all over the world, and are therefore becoming the target of much... -
Massive Aggregations of Serpulidae Associated With Eutrophication of the Mar ...
For decades, inputs of nutrients and organic matter into the Mar Menor coastal lagoon have favored the change from an original oligotrophic to a eutrophic state. The lagoon... -
Indicador 46: Número de especies exóticas invasoras
Este indicador tiene como objetivo principal dar a conocer el número de especies exóticas invasoras presentes en el territorio nacional, en concreto las incluidas en el Catálogo... -
Indicador 62: Número de alertas de especies exóticas invasoras
Este indicador presenta el número de alertas notificadas por las Comunidades y Ciudades Autónomas a la Red de Alerta para la vigilancia de especies exóticas invasoras sobre la... -
Revealing polychaetes invasion patterns: Identification, reproduction and pot...
An established population of the polychaetous annelid Perinereis linea (Treadwell) is reported for the first time outside its native distribution range (NW Pacific). This exotic... -
First record in the Western Mediterranean Sea of Branchiomma boholense (Grube...
During the last years, the concern about the effect of alien species on native marine communities has grown. The case is especially serious in the Mediterranean Sea, where over... -
On the Presence and Ubiquity of the Exotic Batophora (J. Agardh) in the Mar M...
We first report the presence of a species of the genus Batophora in the Iberian Peninsula, in the Mar Menor lagoon (Murcia, SE Spain). We detected this macroalga in November... -
Pinna nobilis in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon: a story of colonization and un...
Populations of the Mediterranean fan mussel Pinna nobilis have progressively decreased over the last decades as a result of anthropogenic activities. The rate of decline has... -
The emergent fouling population after severe eutrophication in the Mar Menor ...
Mar Menor is one of the largest coastal lagoons in the Mediterranean basin. Over the years, Mar Menor has suffered a significant environmental degradation due to multiple...