Segundo Inventario Forestal Nacional, 1986-1995, Pais Vasco/Euskadi, Álava/Araba
El Segundo Inventario Forestal Nacional (IFN2), es un proyecto realizado desde el Servicio de Inventario Forestal entre los años 1986 y 1996. Se enmarca dentro del Inventario... -
Primer Inventario Forestal Nacional, 1972, Álava/Araba
El Primer Inventario Forestal Nacional fue un proyecto que iniciado en 1964, sentó las bases de lo que ahora se conoce como Inventario forestal Nacional. De diferente... -
Tablas de la publicación del Segundo Inventario Forestal Nacional, Pais Vasco...
Información alfanumérica, la cual contiene los mismos cuadros de letras y cifras que el libro en soporte papel pero, al estar en soporte informático, su manipulación es rápida,... -
Estrategia de crecimiento de Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 (Pisces: Atherinidae...
Los parámetros relacionados con la edad y crecimiento de Atberina bayeri Risso, 1810, en el Mar Menor, fueron estudiados a partir de muestras procedentes de capturas comerciales... -
Growth and primary production of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson in a Medi...
The annual growth and biomass cycle of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson in the Mar Menor lagoon (southeast Mediterranean coast of Spain) during 1988-1989 is described. Leaf... -
Water Stress and Crop Plants: A Sustainable Approach. Chapter 22: Drought str...
Chapter 22 (Drought stress effect on woody tree yield) del libro "Water Stress and Crop Plants: A Sustainable Approach". -
Tablas de la publicación del Primer Inventario Forestal Nacional, Álava/Araba
Información alfanumérica, la cual contiene los mismos cuadros de letras y cifras que el libro en soporte papel pero, al estar en soporte informático, su manipulación es rápida,... -
Genetic variability of European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L.: data from ...
European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., is an important commercial species along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coastline in both fishing and aquacultura. The artificial... -
Changes induced by water stress on water relations, stomatal behaviour and mo...
The response of different deficit irrigation strategies on physiological and morphological parameters on table grapes (cv. Crimson Seedless) grown in pots was studied three... -
Age and growth of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in the Mar Me...
The age and growth of sand smelt, Atherina boyeri (Risso 1810), in the Mar Menor (SE Iberian Peninsula) were studied in samples taken from catches of local fishermen obtained... -
The Stenohaline Seagrass Posidonia oceanica Can Persist in Natural Environmen...
The Mediterranean endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica is generally regarded as a stenohaline species, highly sensitive to salinity increments; however, in a few particular... -
Population dynamics and growth in three scyphozoan jellyfishes, and their rel...
Blooms of jellyfishes are perceived to have increased during the last decades causing interference with human activities of both recreational and professional type. Those blooms... -
Growth of the European flat oyster in the Mediterranean Sea (Murcia, SE Spain)
Growth of the natural European flat oyster (Osh-ea edulis L.) spat from the Mar Menor (Murcia, Spain) was studied in the Mediterranean Sea over 18 months. The oysters were... -
Primer registro de la fase juvenil de la anguila europea Anguilla anguilla en...
La anguila europea Anguilla anguilla (Linneo, 1758) es una especie eurihalina tradicionalmente considerada catadroma, es decir, pasa parte de su vida en el mar y otra parte en... -
Ciento cincuenta años de transformaciones agrarias en la comarca del Campo de...
En este trabajo se analiza el comportamiento de los distintos aprovechamientos agrícolas, desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta las últimas estadísticas regionales disponibles. La... -
Long-term coexistence between the macroalga Caulerpa prolifera and the seagra...
The potential negative influence of the seaweed Caulerpa prolifera on the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa was explored in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Mar Menor, Spain) where the... -
Dynamics of nitrogen, phosphorus and metals in eutrophic wetlands affected by...
The objectives of this work were: 1) To study the biogeochemical processes related to the dynamics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil-water-plant system of eutrophic... -
Variability of growth rates and thermohaline niches of Rhizostoma pulmo's pel...
In recent decades, an increase in the abundance and frequency of bloom events has been reported for the scyphozoan Rhizostoma pulmo in the Mediterranean Sea. Understanding such...