The impact of chemical pollution on the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) from...
The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a critically endangered species. The impact of environmental contamination on this species has been highlighted as contributing to the... -
Eutrophication in coastal areas of the Mar Menor lagoon: The mitigation role ...
The Mar Menor lagoon is one of the largest coastal lagoons (135 km2 surface) of the Mediterranean basin. It receives runoff waters coming from the nearby intensive agricultural... -
The case of Mar Menor eutrophication: State of the art and description of tes...
The Mar Menor (SE Spain), the largest hypersaline coastal lagoon of the Mediterranean basin, suffers a severe eutrophication crisis due to the nutrients that receives from the... -
Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes and metal concentration in food webs from...
Two food webs from the Mar Menor coastal lagoon, differing in the distance from the desert-stream through which mining wastes were discharged, were examined by reference to... -
PETI Fact-finding visit to Mar Menor, Spain-23-25 February 2022
The PETI Committee decided to organise a fact-finding visit to the Mar Menor in the Murcia Region in Spain. Over the years, the PETI Committee has received a significant number... -
Plackett Burman design for microplastics quantification in marine sediments
Microplastics are gaining worldwide attention due to their omnipresence. The marine environment is one of the most affected systems; especially the sediment compartment.... -
Vocal response to traffic noise in a non-passerine bird: the little bustard T...
Anthropogenic noise is spreading worldwide and can interfere with the acoustic communication of multiple animal groups. Species communicating in low-frequency ranges (having... -
Microplásticos en sedimentos costeros y marinos del litoral de la Región de M...
El plástico es uno de los materiales más utilizados en todo el planeta debido a su versatilidad y bajo coste de producción. Sin embargo, su durabilidad y la ineficiencia en la... -
Impact assessment of agricultural inputs into a Mediterranean coastal lagoon ...
The Mar Menor is a coastal lagoon threatened by the development of intensive agriculture in the surrounding areas. Large amounts of pesticides from these areas are discharged... -
Análisis de soluciones para el vertido cero al Mar Menor proveniente del Camp...
Servicio técnico para realizar diversos trabajos dirigidos al desarrollo completo de la tramitación de la evaluación ambiental del “análisis de soluciones para el objetivo del... -
Vías de entrada y distribución de contaminantes orgánicos regulados y emergen...
Vías de entrada y distribución de contaminantes orgánicos regulados y emergentes en el Mar Menor -
Abundance, morphology and chemical composition of microplastics in sand and s...
This paper presents the abundance and ubiquitous presence of microplastics in a protected coastal zone located in the southeast of Spain: The Mar Menor lagoon, an important... -
Suitability of benthic macrophyte indices (EEI, E-MaQI and BENTHOS) for detec...
Different approaches based on macrophytes have been proposed in recent years to implement the European Water Framework Directive. However, their application to transitional... -
The Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain): A singular natural ecosystem threatened by h...
The Mar Menor lagoon is one of the most important ecological singularities in the Mediterranean area. At the same time, it is an area where many economic and industrial... -
Spatial distribution and pollution evaluation in dry riverbeds affected by mi...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of pollution, sources and potential risk of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Mn, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe and Pb) and arsenic (As) in four dry... -
Evaluación de la exposición a elementos inorgánicos (Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, ...
En el presente estudio, se han analizado las concentraciones de nueve elementos inorgánicos (cromo, manganeso, níquel, cobre, zinc, arsénico, selenio, cadmio y plomo) en... -
Contaminación por erosión eólica e hídrica de las áreas limítrofes a la antig...
El área minera de Cartagena – La Unión ha sido objeto de una intensa explotación desde hace más de 2.500 años. En época reciente, en la segunda mitad de siglo XIX y primera del... -
Interspecific comparison of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and persistent o...
The bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) was characterized in cockle, oyster and... -
Potentially toxic element input into Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain) through...
Mar Menor, on the northern Mediterranean coast of Spain, is a coastal lagoon with a surface of 135 km2 , surrounded by agriculture fields and several towns, that support an... -
Richness and diversity of helminth species in eels from a hypersaline coastal...
The composition and diversity of parasite communities and intestinal components, as well as infra-community structure, were assessed in eels Anguilla anguilla, from Mar Menor, a...