Áreas Importantes para la Conservación de las Aves y la Biodiversidad (IBA)
The Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas in Spain (marine and terrestrial) (IBA) are those areas where a significant part of the population of one or more bird species... -
Network of Marine Protected Areas (RAMPE)
The Network of Marine Protected Areas of Spain is made up of protected areas located in the Spanish marine environment, representative of the marine natural heritage, regardless... -
Habitat characteristics as determinant of the structure and spatial distribut...
El propósito de este artículo es detectar y describir tendencias generales en la distribución espacial de especies epibentónicas y comunidades demersales del Banco Le Danois (El... -
El Cachucho, un oasis de vida en el Cantábrico: la primera gran área marina p...
Artículo publicado en la revista "ambienta" con información detallada del área marina protegida de El Cachucho. -
Informe de Síntesis de los valores ambientales de El Cachucho
En este estudio se hace una descripción de las características generales de la zona de estudio (geológicas, oceanográficas, ecológicas, socioeconómicas); también se hace una... -
National Forest Inventory IFN4 Valuation
The National Forest Inventory (IFN) is the project of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge that provides homogeneous information at a... -
Espacios Protegidos por Instrumentos Internacionales
Espacios Protegidos por Instrumentos Internacionales. El Servicio Web de Mapas permite la visualización y consulta de la Red de Áreas marinas Protegidas (OSPAR), las Zonas... -
Distribución de Especies
La Cartografía de distribución de especies responde a la obligación legal de la Comisión de evaluar periódicamente los progresos en la aplicación de las Directivas, sobre la... -
Spanish Wetlands Inventory
The Web Map Service called Spanish Inventory of Wetlands (IEZH) allows the visualization and consultation of the data set of the Spanish Inventory of Wetlands (IEZH), which is... -
Livestock trails
Soils protected because they are routes or itineraries along which livestock transit runs or has traditionally run -
Surface drainage network
Delimitation of the surface drainage network, which includes rivers, streams and canals, for hydrological analysis and management of water resources -
National Forest Inventory IFN4 Plots
The National Forest Inventory (IFN) is a project of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge that provides homogeneous information at a national... -
National Forest Inventory IFN4 Strata
The National Forest Inventory (IFN) is the project of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge that provides homogeneous information at a... -
Wetlands and Peatlands for BCAM2
The new CAP 2023-2027 framework addresses environmentally beneficial practices, including the protection of wetlands and peatlands in the Climate and Environment Area. The... -
Surface water bodies
Delimitation of the surface water masses of the Segura basin (Hydrological Plan 2022-2027) -
Groundwater bodies
Delimitation of the underground water masses of the Segura basin (Hydrological Plan 2022-2027) -
Coastal water bodies
Delimitation of the coastal water masses of the Segura basin (Hydrological Plan 2022-2027) -
Clonal building, simple growth rules and phylloclimate as keysteps to develop...
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR -
New distribution limits of seagrass beds in West Africa
Documento integrante de la bibliografía empleada para el informe: Status Assessment de Cymodocea Nodosa en el ámbito de OSPAR