Proyecto de medidas compensatorias correspondientes a la autovía A-381 Jerez de la Frontera- Los Barrios.

In addition to the corrective measures that any linear infrastructure must include in order to mitigate the direct impact it may cause to the environment, the European Union's Habitats Directive regarding the Conservation of Natural Habitats and wild fauna and flora makes the adoption of compensatory measures obligatory in those construction projects that cross or in any way affect areas included in the Natura 2000 Network. Such is the case of the A-381 road, where for the first time an integrated Project of Compensatory Measures is being developed which defines the indirect or diffuse impact the road may cause to the ecosystems it will affect. In order to lessen this impact the sensitive species and habitats in need of special care are identified. Amongst them, the following may be highlighted: the “canutos” or upper courses of the Park's rivers which flow through narrow ravines enjoy a microclimate which gives rise to characteristic flora and fauna, the shelter of bats, otter, roe deer, rabbits, Bonnelli's eagles, Egyptian vulture, Red kite, cork oak woodland etc. In addition, a series of specific measures are established such as the transplanting of plant species affected by the road, the recovery of wetlands in the tails of reservoirs by creating sublagoons, the installing and equipping of environmental education areas, the restoration of riparian vegetation to the streams of the Park, the modification of electric powerlines classed as dangerous, the adaptation of the hunting network, the drawing up and putting into operation of an extensive environmental education programme, a recovery plan for the rabbit and the setting up of numerous research studies of sensitive species.

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Carbajosa A. Proyecto de medidas compensatorias correspondientes a la autovía A-381 Jerez de la Frontera- Los Barrios. Infra Eco Network Europe, 2000.

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Retrieved: 09 Mar 2025 04:44:51


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Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-12-02
Date of last revision 2025-03-08
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Metadata identifier eb68a72f-5d43-52b3-8937-a7688b480758
Metadata language Spanish
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High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
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Name of the dataset creator Carbajosa, A.
Name of the dataset editor Infra Eco Network Europe
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