Patrones de fragmentación del hábitat en el norte de España: el ejemplo de hayedos y robledales en Asturias.

In a study area in the Cantabrican Mountains, the total coverage of beech forest was almost twice than the total coverage of oak forest. Mean patch size of beech forest (232 ha) was slightly larger than mean patch size of oak forest (196 ha), and distance between oak forest fragments was greater than between beech forest fragments.

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Cite as

Obeso J.R. y García-Manteca P. Patrones de fragmentación del hábitat en el norte de España: el ejemplo de hayedos y robledales en Asturias. Ecología, 1990.

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Retrieved: 23 Feb 2025 21:23:59


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Resource type Text
Date of creation 2024-12-02
Date of last revision 2025-02-23
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Metadata identifier 7f63f982-7529-5c13-aad0-74a76a5bd1a1
Metadata language Spanish
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High-value dataset category
ISO 19115 topic category
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Bibliographic information
Name of the dataset creator Obeso, J.R. y García-Manteca, P.
Name of the dataset editor Ecología
Other identifier ISSN: 0214-0896
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