Latitudinal patterns in european seagrass carbon reserves: Influence of seasonal fluctuations versus short-term stress and disturbance events.
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Soissons LM Haanstra EP Van Katwijk MM Asmus R Auby I Barillé L Brun FG Cardoso PG Desroy N Fournier J Ganthy F Garmendia JM Godet L Grilo TF Kadel P Ondiviela B Peralta G Puente A Recio M Rigouin L Valle M Herman PMJ Bouma TJ. Latitudinal patterns in european seagrass carbon reserves: Influence of seasonal fluctuations versus short-term stress and disturbance events. 2024.
Basic information | |
Resource type | Text |
Date of creation | 2023-08-18 |
Date of last revision |
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Metadata identifier | 119b8ea4-1abd-560b-9dc9-56cc433d55cd |
Metadata language | Spanish |
Themes (NTI-RISP) | |
High-value dataset category | Geospatial |
ISO 19115 topic category | biota |
Keyword URIs |
Provenance | |
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